Jessica Biel Spotted Without Ring On?

I saw the headline on Daily Mail that Jessica Biel was spotted without her wedding ring on. Immediately, I clicked the juicy article to see for myself. (Side note: I often forget to put my wedding ring on in the morning and there are no problems in my marriage)

BUT, I still wanted to see. I'm a glutton for juicy celeb gossip. As I scrolled down the pics, I SAW what looked like a very small, dainty ring on that finger. It's closer to the knuckle than her hand but I SWEAR I see a ring!?

Did they get it wrong or just truly don't see it?

Am I crazy? LOOK AT THE PHOTOS <-------------

I mean, how embarrassing for Daily Mail to miss the mark so hard on this one, right? There's clearly a ring!

(Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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