Brian Fink

Brian Fink

Brian Fink is a major smart-ass with major OCD, who has an unhealthy obsession with his cats, dance music, grilled cheese, and long walks on the...Full Bio


PODCAST: America’s Dance 30 w Guest Bingo Players

Photo: YouTube/@iamBrianFink

Celebrating the release of his new smash w Landis & JUSTNKAYSE, Bingo Players joined us again on America's Dance 30 to talk all things "Adrenaline"! He shared how the song was born, how long ago they started working on it, and how many Vs there were of the song before its release!!

(Listen to the AD30 podcast w Bingo Players below)

We also got to know Bingo Players better w #FinkysFavorites!

Find out about:

  • his favorite thing to do in the Netherlands
  • one of his favorite EDM tracks at the moment
  • one of his favorite dance songs of all time
  • his favorite non-dance music to listen to
  • his favorite place that he's played
  • his favorite thing to do for an adrenaline rush



Bingo Players x Landis ft JUSTNKAYSE - “Adrenaline”

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