Brian Fink

Brian Fink

Brian Fink is a major smart-ass with major OCD, who has an unhealthy obsession with his cats, dance music, grilled cheese, and long walks on the...Full Bio


PODCAST: America’s Dance 30 w Guest nimino

Photo: YouTube/@iamBrianFink

Celebrating the incredible success of "i only smoke when i drink", nimino joined us for the first time on America's Dance 30!  He shared how the song was born, why he had to wait so long to release it, and how many Vs there were of it before its release!!

He also shared how his song "Shaking Things Up" was born, and what's next for him in 2025. (Listen to the AD30 podcast w nimino below)

We also got to know nimino better w #FinkysFirsts!

Find out about:

  • the first thing he wanted to do growing up
  • the first time DJ'ing for a crowd
  • the first show he did as 'nimino'
  • where the name 'nimino' came from, and if it was his first choice for an artist project name
  • the first moment he realized "i only smoke when i drink" was going viral
  • the first dance song that made him fall in love w EDM
  • his first choice of drinks



nimino - “i only smoke when i drink”

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