ARIES- Don’t overthink…just ACT!
TAURUS- Get ahead of your work today because you’ll want to take it easy later on.
GEMINI- Think before you send that controversial email.
CANCER- Don’t worry…everything will get done…stop stressing.
LEO- Pick a different workout routine today.
VIRGO- Take the dog (or yourself) for an extra-long walk today.
LIBRA- Let yourself indulge in a sweet treat tonight.
SCORPIO- Plants need water and sunlight to grow – remember that.
SAGITTARIUS- Someone will press you to work harder today, you need the push.
CAPRICORN- A new idea will pop into your head today – let yourself explore it.
AQUARIUS- Take an extra-long lunch break today.
PISCES- Binge a brand-new show and start tonight.
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