Here we go again! After the Equifax data breach of 150 million Americans, everyone thought they were getting $150 cash!
Well, not surprisingly, we'll probably only get a few cents because so many people signed up to be reimbursed. Or, if you're like me, we didn't have the evidence to show we had credit monitoring in place already so we'll end up getting nothing. Ya win some, ya lose some!
Now, YAHOO is jumping on 'free credit monitoring' promise in exchange for having your data stolen. BUT, if you want to try, you can possibly get cash instead. You might be eligible for a $358 payout or two years of free credit monitoring.
Here's the eligibility requirements:
– You had a Yahoo account between January 1, 2012 and December 31, 2016
– You received a notice about the data breaches
– You’re a resident of the US or Israel
If you’re eligible, you can submit a claim to receive at least two years of free credit monitoring services or collect $100.
You could earn up to $25,000, too, if you provide proof of out-of-pocket losses or loss of time during the data breaches.
IF all those are true... you can go to and apply!