Plastic Spoons and Spatulas Could Be Poisoning You
Scientists at the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) are warning consumers that plastic spoons and spatulas used to cook food could be poisoning you.
Harmful byproducts, called oligomers, are formed during the production of the utensils. When using them at a temperature above 70 degrees the byproducts can get into food.
They byproducts makeup Two different molecules called oligomers, PA 6 and PA 6,6 and were studied by BfR between 2016 and 2017. 70 percent of utensils used released 5 mg of PA oligomers into food while 30 percent of utensils released more than 5 mg of oligomers into food, the high dosage of oligomers has been found to adversely affect the liver and thyroid.
Scientists are suggesting that makers of plastic utensils should release toxicological data so that a risk assessment can be made effectively.